Every person’s birth comes with a user manual that can be decoded using the archetypal tools of Astrology and Human Design System.
Your Astrology birth (natal) chart and Human Design chart or body graph describe what you came into this life to accomplish along with your strengths and challenges. Transits, the current placement of the luminaries and planets of our solar system relative their placement at the time of your birth, show the timing of life’s lessons.
Understanding your Human Design Type and Authority empowers you by providing a process for how to make the best decisions for yourself. What is your Human Design Type? Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector? Which energetic Center should you listen to when making decisions? Emotions, Sacral, Splenic or one of the other less common ones? How does this information affect how you interact with others?
Special price for Human Design reading! I’m currently offering a $25 discount off the full investment price of $175 for a 90-minute Human Design reading when you mention this post. Email me at connect@helenawolfe.com to schedule your reading.
My Story
My astrological journey started in the early 70’s when a new friend did my chart and introduced me to Alan Oken’s trilogy of astrology books (later repackaged as Alan Oken’s Complete Guide to Astrology). I quickly accumulated the stack of the used reference books needed to cast a birth chart by hand and started doing charts for family and friends. Now software can create the chart itself in a less than a minute. A synthesized interpretation is another matter as it is both a skill and an art.
Returning to Portland, Oregon in 1988, I discovered the Oregon Astrological Association (OAA) a few years later. While attending my first lecture I quickly realized how at home I felt with this community. A year later, I was elected to the volunteer board of directors as the newsletter editor, then added webmaster, secretary and finally president over the years. Serving on the board included free admission to the monthly lectures and workshops which were held the same weekends when my young daughters were at their father’s. I felt like the Universe was supporting my astrological studies.
For 9 years, I learned from some of astrology’s top local, regional, national and international teachers, several of whom authored astrology books. I even spent one summer studying with Alan Oken. As a struggling single parent, I couldn’t afford tuition for his 2 non-OAA sponsored class series. More support from the Universe arrived when Alan generously gifted me the tuition in exchange for providing his transportation. The OAA president called with this news just as I finished thanking the Universe for providing the funds for his classes. To this day, Alan’s reading of my chart is still the best ever.
In 2007 I was introduced to the Human Design System. HDS combines astrology, I Ching hexagrams, chakras, Kabbalah Tree of Life, genetic codons, and quantum physics. It is a contemporary revealed teaching transmitted by “the Voice” to its founder over the course of a week. Through HDS I have gained insights into my user manual far beyond that of traditional astrology. Once again the Universe stepped in to support my learning when I won the raffle drawing for tuition to Zeno’s weekend workshop. She is the person who had brought the HDS founder to the US and was in the first US group of certified HDS consultants. Currently, I am studying with Chetan Parkyn of Evolutionary Human Design, author of several HDS books and another member of that first group of US consultants, to obtain certification as a Human Design consultant.